Few people have heard of it, yet many consider John Blankenbaker's KENBAK-1 to be the first commercial personal computer.

Koss introduced these headphones over 40 years ago, and they remain affordable favorites to this day.

Atomic Space Tone Guitar Amp

Swart tube amp

It's time to have some fun with tweed-covered vacuum tubes! The Atomic Space Tone is a $1775 tube-based handmade guitar amp from the Swart Amplifier Company. Cary Miller just posted an enjoyable review of this beautiful device on Electric Guitar Review:

"This amp was absolutely incredible (I'm trying to work out a deal on one before I have to send the thing back!) and the man who makes them, Michael Swart, is a one man show, building these beauties right in his house as far as I can tell.

When I first stumbled onto Michael Swart’s handsome tweed tube amp, via the Swart Amplifier Co’s website, I may have been instantly struck by the retro-cool look of his handiwork, but I had no inclination that I was gazing upon one of the best sounding tube amplifiers I was ever likely to play.

In fact, as a dyed in the wool “tube freak” it’s almost embarrassing to admit it, but until I got the Atomic Space Tone in for review I apparently had no real idea of just how good a tube amp could sound..."

REVIEW: Swart’s Immaculate Atomic Space Tone


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