Luscious Lensbabies
By James Grahame
Millions of dollars are spent each year improving the optical qualities of camera lenses. So it comes as a bit of a surprise that a company has made a name for itself with a line of lenses that strive for imperfection. Lensbabies ($96) are selective focus SLR camera lenses. They bring one area of the image into sharp focus, while blurring the rest. You can adjust the location of the "sweet spot" by bending the flexible lens tubing.
The result is reminiscent of a Holga or LOMO camera. Lest you strive for even more control, the company offers the $150 Lensbaby 2.0, which offers a sharper sweet spot and lower diffusion. Versions are available for a wide range of analog and digital SLRs. And -- for some reason -- the song "Beach Baby" is now playing on endless repeat between my ears. Oh, the horror! [image Copyright Craig Strong, from the lensbabies gallery.]
Lensbaby Selective Focus SLR Camera Lenses