New K-9 & Moldy Oldie Dalek Return
By bohus
I posted these two items to my Twitter thingy today, but I just had to share these two bits of Doctor Who related news here.
For years, the authors who created the love 'em or hate 'em robot dog K-9 have been trying to get a series made starring the tin pooch. There was a confused one-off attempt at a standalone series starring the remote controlled prop in 1980, and in the years since there have been a number of behind-the-scenes attempts to revive interest in a revved up version of K-9. The new K-9 has finally been revealed. He's morphed from the disco-looking unit of the 70's, to an Aibo/iPod influenced mongrel today. The kid's program will run 26 episodes, and is supposed to hit the air "soon".
In the real world, a most unlikely find perplexed workers clearing up a pond in Hampshire in the UK. Imagine the surprise when among the discarded toys and weeds up bobbed a Dalek. Well, just the head section, but it looks to be a genuine prop. The Who crew from the original series had been in that area in the 80's shooting with then-Doctor Colin Baker, so perhaps one of the Daleks went rogue? Or perhaps they simply like the water, like the famous scene from an early B&W episode where for no reason a Dalek rises out of the Thames. It's a thrill when someone turns up with one of the infamous missing episodes of Doctor Who, but a missing half Dalek?
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Some more info about the K-9 series on Wikipedia
Article in the Sun about the found Dalek + more pictures
Chrome Dalek invites Cylons to bring it
Full-sized Daleks
K-9 & Dalek action figures by Dapol