The Ultimate Science Kit
By James Grahame
From Oak Ridge Associated Universities: "This was the most elaborate Atomic Energy educational set
ever produced, but it was only only available from 1951 to 1952. Its
relatively high price for the time ($50.00) and its sophistication were
the explanation Gilbert gave for the set's short lifespan. Today, it is so
highly prized by collectors that a complete set can go for more than 100
times the original price.
The set came with four types of
uranium ore, a beta-alpha source (Pb-210), a pure beta source (Ru-106), a
gamma source (Zn-65?), a spinthariscope, a cloud chamber with its own
short-lived alpha source (Po-210), an electroscope, a geiger counter, a
manual, a comic book and a government manual 'Prospecting for