Few people have heard of it, yet many consider John Blankenbaker's KENBAK-1 to be the first commercial personal computer.

Koss introduced these headphones over 40 years ago, and they remain affordable favorites to this day.

Kickstart A Unique Computer History Book

David Greelish writes, "I once published a zine from 1993 to 1997 called Historically Brewed. It grew to a small, but very respectful 500+ subscribers and was even sold at the Smithsonian and the Computer History Museum in Boston, MA (now in Mountain View, CA). I published nine issues, with a tenth never completed (changing the name to 'Classic Computing'). I want to take all of these and publish them into a compilation book."

Issue 9

He's running a Kickstarter project to fund the release of a 195 page book with color inserts. A donation of $25 will get you a signed copy, although you can certainly pledge as little as $1. For a taste of the content, check out an online copy of the first issue of Historically Brewed along with cover images from the other issues.

David was the Founder and President of the original Historical Computer Society and is currently President of the Atlanta Historical Computing Society, so he knows his stuff. As I write this, the project is about 65% funded, and a few generous donations from Retro Thing readers could help to push it over the top.

Support the Historically Brewed Kickstarter Project


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